Sorry for the inconvenience. There are many changes regarding the program and also other things about the pageant.

Because some of the participants have already prepared their sports wear attire we decided to bring back or to have the participants to model wearing their sports costume. When they come to the venue on January 14, they should wear first their sports attire then next is formal suit. They can either change their costumes for their talent or not.

Tomorrow, we will go to the event venue for the contestants to know how big the stage is. We will be given at least 30 minutes. They should also give their music for their talent to Ms. Kezia Medina or Mr. Dayne Adriano for us to try it to our player.

Just a few more days until the pageant. God bless!

For more questions, please contact:
Neomie Estabillo - 09332561059

Thank you!
1/11/2013 10:23:37 pm

aaahhh.. ok po

11/13/2013 03:29:42 pm

tang ina pabago bago


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